(c) Google Earth, 2022
Our landscape nowadays is shaped with a lot of complexities and different layers intersecting each other – thus creating movements and rules for humans and environment. Each layer can emerge from different sources and create different Borders. For example, natural borders from rivers or mountains. It’s the relation between space and place we are analysing and trying to understand.
Borders divide social groups and create unequal conditions for each side. Political borders include two different law systems. The Digital Border is based on private companies supporting the territorial question with capitalistic approaches. Claiming regions for people to rely on the cell-phone coverage. Are those companies taking active part in shaping the border zone? Separation or unification?
Is there a connection between connection coverage and human space? And if so, how can we overcome the border and become more independent? Do we rely on digital infrastructure, or can we outbreak those places? US/MX share a complex state border, with 300k people crossing every day. In Tijuana and San Diego, people share the border, but the cities are deeply social connected and dependent on each other. With different cell phone providers on each site.
Could a shared digital infrastructure overcome certain borders and maybe devalue the border territory?
(c) The Guardian, 2019
Map of border territory